The Mindset Needed To Win

Everything starts in the mind.

The mind is where ideas take root, and all living things in your material world spring from there.

Not trying to get too metaphysical on you or anything but It's true. 

If you've never read the supremely powerful book "As A Man Thinketh" By James Allen, I strongly, strongly recommend it. 

As a salesperson you have to look at yourself as a top level athlete, a mental athlete, with skills.

Basketball is my favorite sport so lets' just that...

In basketball scouts and coaches assess things like a players jumping ability, passing, shooting, long range and mid-range, ability to use both hands, dribbling, speed, etc.

As a salesperson you have skills too things like...

Skills of persuasion, toughness, ability to deal with objections, presentation ability, probing or interview skills, closing skills, the list goes on. 

So just as an athlete must practice, and always stay sharp so should we.

There is something else though...

Something that sets apart the men from the boys, great from the average.

Kobe Bryant called it the "mamba" mentality, I like to just call it the "Michael Jordan". 

I mean we all know Kobe stole everything from Mike right?

Michael Jordan was know to be an insanely fierce competitor, and he had supreme confidence in his ability to succeed. 

That's what the best sales people have. 

They are fierce competitors and they have supreme confidence. 

It's that will to win, at all costs. To be a rock star in must have it. 

The next key ingredient any sales rock star MUST have is discipline.

Yes, that key trait that I would say about 85% of the population doesn't have, DISCIPLINE. 

There are things a sales person must do everyday, we'll talk about some of this things as we move forward in this free training module. 

It requires DISCIPLINE to get these things done. 

You have to be disciplined to get on that phone and make those 100 calls...

You have to be disciplined to swing the doors on those 10 businesses you'd committed yourself to before lunch...

You have to be disciplined to get up and be out in the field by 8 a.m...

You have to be disciplined to keep your mouth shut after you ask for the sale...

Are you getting the picture here?

The disciplined man is the successful man. 

The disciplined man, is the man who goes to war with his lower self each and everyday and comes out victorious. 

Discipline is needed because many of the daily activities required of a salesman are just flat out not fun, but they are necessary. 

So you need that...that thing to help push you through, that thing that keeps you going even when you don't want to...

That thing is discipline. 

Ok, that's all for mindset, next we're going to move into how you actually find people to sell to...

Click here for the next page, Prospecting For Dummies...

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Paxton E. Morgan

This is the first time I have decided to take all of my 15 years of experience selling in the field and give this information to new and old burnt out reps to help them increase their sales. 

Paxton E. Morgan